FlyStation - Saint Petersburg, Russia

FlyStation is located in the stunning city of Saint Petersburg and has two peculiarities:
It's the cheapest wind tunnel in the world,
and because of that has people flying 24 hours a day, 365 days a year 

The building is a bit old and quite far from the city center, about 40 min by taxi or Uber.
There is a small coffee shop on the first floor, and a convenience store at the adjoining gas station.
And nothing else. You come here to fly. Period.

The interior is spartan but super confy. There is a large and bright area for Sport Flyiers to train and
adequate man/woman bathrooms with shower

Sport Flyiers have two small but adequate rooms to change clothes,
with video screens for flight debriefing. You can copy your flights to a pen drive.
(some tunnels don't allow that for fear of virus)

The software system is very complete and easy to use.
You can download all your flights from the website when you arrive back home.
(from three camera angles)

The tunnel is a 14ft (4.3m) single recirculating design by Indoor Skydiving Germany.
Since it's the most heavily used tunnel in the world it shows.
There are scratches in the glass and the metal parts and a faded look.

But cheap prices are not the only attraction. Many people come here to train with this guy.
Leonid Volkov, world champion and a legend of Wind Tunnel Flying!

Here Leo tryies (unsuccessfully) to teach me the "Ninja" flight pose

Leo is an incredible talented flyier and was a very dedicated and patient coach


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