Weembi - Lille, France

The Weembi tunnel is located in the small town of Lille, north of France at the border with Belgium.
A bit distant for the typical international tourist.

The facility is a bit far from the city center, about 30 minutes by taxi ou Uber

The interior is very confortable but there is no special area for Sport Flyiers.
We had to use the same small changing rooms as the first timers.

For Sport Flyiers the tunnel is the main attraction!
A 17ft (5.2m) double recirculating powerfull machine by
Czechs company Strojirna Litvinov

The tunnel is beautifull, the antechamber is huge with a couple video screens,
and the technology allows for going in and out anytime
(not possible on some tunnels)

The bar is excellent, snacks and dinks with pumping music and a enthusiastic crew.
I just love belgium beer!

Our coach, the super cool Lenka Hyncicová


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